Effective pest control is a team effort between our technicians and you, the homeowner.
The ongoing effectiveness of the pest control provided depends on the homeowner implementing Precision Pest Control’s recommended hygiene, housekeeping and property maintenance procedures.
To ensure 100% satisfaction, we have listed all the ways in our warranty brochure to enable the homeowner to maximise the effectiveness of pest control, pre-treatment.
Here are three examples:
1. Precautions to take before ant treatment
Prior to treatment, make sure that all food is covered and stored away. Also, clear worktops of any utensils or fruit bowls.
Maximise your treatment by avoiding cleaning treated areas for several weeks after treatment. Good hygiene with food and beverages is essential.
2. Precautions to take before cockroach treatment
Prior to the treatment, we recommend any food is covered and stored. If your home is clean, cockroaches will be more easily attracted to the bait.
Maximise your treatment by trying not to mop any floors for at least two days after treatment. If bench areas have been treated, resist using any chemical cleaning sprays for 48 hours.
3. Precautions to take before spider treatment
Prior to treatment, make sure any pet bedding or bowls are removed. Pack away children’s toys and washing from the line. Cover fish tanks and ponds.
Maximise your treatment by not removing any spider webs you see that are present in treated areas for at least one month after treatment.